
Monday, February 25, 2013

Banana Honey Bran Muffins #MuffinMonday

These lovely banana honey bran muffins, made with mashed bananas and sweetened banana chips, are further sweetened with honey and dark brown sugar.

Food Lust People Love: These lovely banana honey bran muffins, made with mashed bananas and sweetened banana chips, are further sweetened with honey and dark brown sugar.

In honor of the Academy Awards last night, I’d like to nominate this muffin for Best Muffin in a Supporting Role.  It’s got your fiber in the form of bran flake cereal as well as honey and egg and banana for your essential nutrients and protein.  (Did you know that honey can stop the growth of cancer?!  Read it in my local paper just this morning!)  And for a little crunch and extra banana flavor:  sweetened banana chips.  Truth be told, these are probably the healthiest muffins I’ve ever made.  (Yeah, yeah.  I know that isn’t saying much, coming from the woman who puts candy bars and cookies in muffins.)  But they are also tasty.

1 1/2 oz or 1 cup or 43g bran flake cereal
1/4 cup or 60ml cream
1/4 cup or 60ml milk
1 1/2 cups or 190g flour
1/4 cup firmly packed or 50g dark brown sugar
2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup  or 60ml canola oil
1 large ripe banana
4 tablespoons honey
1 egg
1 cup or 100g sweetened banana chips

Preheat your oven to 375°F or 190°C and prepare your 12-cup muffin pan by inserting paper liners or spraying with a non-stick spray.

Soak your bran flakes in the cream and milk and set aside.  (If you are serious about the health thing, by all means use all milk, even low fat.)

Into a large mixing bowl, measure your flour, brown sugar, baking powder and salt.   Give it a good stir.

In a small mixing bowl, mash your banana with a fork and then add in the oil, honey and the egg.  Whisk well.

Use a sharp knife to chop the banana chips into smaller pieces and set aside about one quarter (eyeball it, no need to measure) for topping.

Add your soaked bran flakes (and any milk/cream from that bowl) into the egg mixture and stir well.

Fold the wet ingredients into the dry, stopping before they are completely mixed.  There will still be some flour visible.

Add in the bigger pile of chopped banana chips and fold some more.

Divide your batter between the prepared muffin cups.  Sprinkle the tops with the remaining banana chips.

Bake for 20-25 minutes or until golden.  Meanwhile practice your Best Supporting Muffin acceptance/thank you speech.  Don’t forget to thank your parents for raising you right.

Remove from the oven and cool for a few minutes in the pan.  Remove to a wire rack to finish cooling.

Food Lust People Love: These lovely banana honey bran muffins, made with mashed bananas and sweetened banana chips, are further sweetened with honey and dark brown sugar.


Food Lust People Love: These lovely banana honey bran muffins, made with mashed bananas and sweetened banana chips, are further sweetened with honey and dark brown sugar.

Food Lust People Love: These lovely banana honey bran muffins, made with mashed bananas and sweetened banana chips, are further sweetened with honey and dark brown sugar.


  1. Stacy, these muffins look wonderful. You have my vote!

  2. YUM! Love bananas and honey together - these look great!

  3. Love the cereal and banana chips on top. But you mean candy bars don't belong in muffins? ;)

  4. Wow, what a fantastic and healthier muffin recipe. I've been on a huge banana kick lately, and so need to make these. Thanks for sharing! ~Nancy

  5. now if only I'd had one of these with my coffee I just inhaled.

  6. They are perfect with a cup of coffee, Brydie! Brew another pot while you bake these. :)

  7. Thanks, Kelli! Honey makes everything better, I think. Also, dark brown sugar. They both add flavor along with the sweet.

  8. Thank you, Jennie! I have my acceptance speech all written just in case.

  9. Most welcome, Nancy! My husband has a banana in his cereal most mornings and yet, I always have a couple past their best for baking. I do not know how it happens. :)

  10. I love the banana chips on top of these they look so yummy!

  11. Thanks, Diane! I think that most supermarkets will sell them in the aisle where you find nuts or dried fruit. If you can't find them, let me know and i will send you some when I am next in the States. I mean it. Please let me know.


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