
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Smoked Trout Stuffed Baby New Potatoes

Baby potatoes, baked till tender then stuffed with sour cream, chives and smoked trout, are a great make-ahead appetizer for any party.

What a fabulous day it is today! Not only is it National Margarita Day, but my Sunday Supper group is getting ready for the Red Carpet and the Academy Awards by bringing you wonderful recipes for drinks and dishes perfect for any party. Our host for this great event is Katie from Ruffles and Truffles. Since I’m hours and hours ahead of the US here in Dubai, the Oscars will be on live at 5:30 a.m. Monday morning for me. I’ve got it set up to record and I’ll watch while I sip coffee and eat my breakfast at a more reasonable and civilized time. After all, those award ceremonies are all about the glitz and glamor and I can’t imagine feeling glamorous at 5:30 a.m. and certainly not before the first cup of coffee!

Ingredients for 16 stuffed potatoes - This recipe is easily doubled or trebled.
8 small potatoes (Mine weighed a little more than 10 1/2 oz or 300g.)
Olive oil
1/2 cup or 120ml thick sour cream
Handful chives
1 3/4 oz or 50g hot smoked trout
Black pepper
Optional for serving: Cayenne

Preheat your oven to 350°F or 180°C. Give your baby new potatoes a good scrub to make sure they are clean. Dry them thoroughly and then put them in a baking tray and drizzle them with olive oil.

Bake them for about 30 minutes or until they are tender all the way through. Leave them to cool.

Meanwhile, mince your chives and add them to the sour cream. Stir well.

Use the tines of a fork to flake your smoked trout.

Once the little potatoes are cool enough to handle, cut them in half and scoop out the insides, leaving enough potato inside the skin so that they form little bowls. I used a grapefruit spoon.

In a small mixing bowl, combine your flaked trout with your potato insides and stir well.

Fold in the sour cream with chives.

Taste the mixture and add salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. Some trout is saltier than others so you have to use your own judgment.

Spoon the filling into the potato halves or use a plastic bag with a corner cut off to pipe it in.

Sprinkle with a little cayenne pepper. Keep refrigerated until ready to serve.


And, without further ado, the nominees are:

For Best Supporting Appetizer
For Best Course in a Leading Role:
For Best Supporting Sips:
For Best Delectable Desserts:

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