Showing posts with label Seafood Connection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seafood Connection. Show all posts

Monday, August 15, 2011

Blue Crabs

Spring in southern Louisiana is all about crawfish. Summer is all about blue crabs.  I don’t know what truth there is to the family lore, ingrained in my psyche since toddlerhood, that the crabs are fullest just after a full moon. The theory goes that the crabs can see better, and therefore feed better, by the light of a full moon.  It may sound crazy but it certainly held true this past weekend.

Saturday evening we enjoyed the most wonderful full-of-meat crabs I have had in a long time, seasoned with just the right amount of red pepper (read: lots!) with salt and other spices.  The Seafood Connection in New Iberia always gets it right. If you ever find yourself within driving distance, do it!

The detritus 

Here a little thing that made me chuckle: I was searching for information for Seafood Connection because I always like to add a link if possible when I write about a store or restaurant or market or supplier of anything I’ve used. I came across the official website for my hometown, New Iberia, and was tickled to see it had a link for local recipes, right alongside the link for city history. Food is indeed just as important to the inhabitants!