Showing posts with label yeast bread recipes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yeast bread recipes. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Garlic Chili Pepper Flatbread #BreadBakers

Chewy yet fluffy, this garlic chili pepper flatbread is great on its own as a snack or serve it with your favorite dhal or curry. The garlic and chili add so much flavor to this tasty bread! 

Food Lust People Love: Chewy yet fluffy, this garlic chili pepper flatbread is great on its own as a snack or serve it with your favorite dhal or curry. The garlic and chili add so much flavor to this tasty bread!

Homemade flatbread is so easy and always turns out nicer than almost anything I can buy on store shelves. I know in a lot of homes around the world, it’s a normal part of everyday cooking but unless I’m cooking curry, I just don’t think to make it. 

Note to self: Make homemade flatbread more often! Note to anyone reading this: You should too. 

Garlic Chili Pepper Flatbread

This recipe makes six flatbreads (about 7x4 in or 18x10cm each) and was adapted from one on These little guys definitely have a noticeable heat from the peppers. You can remove the seeds before mincing your peppers to make them less spicy.

1 teaspoon dried active yeast
1/4 teaspoon sugar
1 3/4 cups or 218g bread flour
3/4 cup or 180ml warm water (about 100–110°F or 38–43°C)
2 hot red chili peppers
3-4 sprigs fresh parsley, stems removed
2 cloves garlic
1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt
2-3 tablespoons olive oil 

Warm the water to the required temperature and measure your flour into a small bowl. 

In a large mixing bowl, mix the yeast and sugar together with about 1/4 of the flour and the warm water. Set aside 20 minutes until foamy.

Mince your peppers, parsley leaves and garlic.

Add them along with the salt to the remaining flour. Stir to combine.

Add the flour mixture to the yeast mixture and combine using a Danish whisk or your clean hands. 

Knead on a clean surface until smooth and elastic.

Transfer the dough to a greased bowl.

Cover with a tea towel or cling film, then leave in a warm place for 1 hour or until doubled in size.

Form the dough into a stout log, then cut into 6 equal pieces. The log just makes it easier to eyeball what six equal pieces should look like. 

If you prefer to use a scale, you can skip that step. My dough ball weighed 212g so each piece was about 68g. Roll them them into balls.

Lightly flour your work surface and rolling pin and roll one ball into an oval and brush it with olive oil. 

Roll it up from the short end into a tight tube. 

Use two hands to roll the tube longer and thinner.

Coil the tube into a circle like a snail.

Tuck the end under. Press down gently. 

Repeat until you have six little swirled dough balls. 

Starting with the first one you made, use the rolling pin to form it back into an oval.

Heat a griddle over a medium high heat and cook the flatbread until puffed on top and lightly browned on the bottom. 

Turn and cook the other side. This takes just a couple of minutes on each side. 

Flip it over one last time. 

I like to put the finished flatbreads in a warm oven in a foil pouch to keep them warm. 

Repeat the rolling and cooking process for the remaining five dough balls. Serve warm. (Or eat at room temperature the next day for breakfast - OMG, still so good.)

Food Lust People Love: Chewy yet fluffy, this garlic chili pepper flatbread is great on its own as a snack or serve it with your favorite dhal or curry. The garlic and chili add so much flavor to this tasty bread!


It’s the second Tuesday of the month so that means it’s time for my Bread Baker friends to share their recipes. Our theme is Spicy Breads with Peppers. Many thanks to our host, Radha of Magical Ingredients. Check out the links below: 

#BreadBakers is a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme. Follow our Pinterest board right here. Links are also updated each month on this home page. We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.

Pin this Garlic Chili Pepper Flatbread!

Food Lust People Love: Chewy yet fluffy, this garlic chili pepper flatbread is great on its own as a snack or serve it with your favorite dhal or curry. The garlic and chili add so much flavor to this tasty bread!


Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Egyptian Mahlab Bread #BreadBakers

Puffy and crispy yet chewy around the edges, this Egyptian mahlab bread is sprinkled with kalongi aka nigella seeds for flavor and decoration. 

Food Lust People Love: Puffy and crispy yet chewy around the edges, this Egyptian mahlab bread is sprinkled with kalongi aka nigella seeds for flavor and decoration.

First, I have to tell you that this bread doesn’t actually contain mahlab. I haven't even been able to figure out why this particular kind of bread is called mahlab. It has nothing to do with cherries or the spice made from the kernel in their pits. 

Suffice to say that it is Egyptian so it fits this month’s Bread Bakers theme of Mediterranean breads and that’s gonna have to be good enough for me right now. If someone has more info, please let me know. 

Egyptian Mahlab Bread

This recipe is adapted from several I found online. It makes 8 mahlab breads. For some reason, they all didn’t puff up but even the flatter ones were still delicious. 

For the bread dough:
1/2 cup or 120ml warm water
3/4 teaspoon dry yeast
1/4 teaspoon sugar
1 1/2 cups or 187.5g flour
1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt

For the egg wash:
1 egg whisked with 1 tablespoon milk

For flavor and decoration: 
Kalongi aka nigella seeds

In your mixing bowl, mix the warm water with the yeast and sugar. Set aside for a few minutes to make sure your yeast is active. It should start to foam up.

In a separate bowl, whisk together your flour and salt. 

Add the flour and salt to the warm water/yeast bowl a little at a time and stir well until you form a soft smooth dough. I have a Danish whisk that is perfect for this job. 

Knead the dough by hand for several turns then form it into a ball. Place it in an oiled bowl and let it rise for an hour or until doubled in size. 

As you can see from this photo, I let mine over prove but no harm, no foul. Life got in the way. Just punch it down and carry on. 

Divide the dough into eight equal pieces. Mine each weighed about 38g.

Use a cupped hand to roll them into balls against the countertop. 

Roll out the balls to a 1/4 inch or 6mm thickness, brush the tops with the egg wash.

Sprinkle the seeds on top.

Let the little dough circles rest for about 10-15 minutes while you preheat your oven to 400°F or 200°C. They will rise again slightly. 

Place the pan in the oven and bake for 15 to 20 minutes until the bottoms are nicely browned.

Remove from the oven. If you'd like the bread crunchier, leave it to cool completely. 


Food Lust People Love: Puffy and crispy yet chewy around the edges, this Egyptian mahlab bread is sprinkled with kalongi aka nigella seeds for flavor and decoration.

As mentioned above, it’s Bread Baker time! Yep, it's the second Tuesday of this new year (and month) and that means it’s time for my Bread Bakers to share their recipes. My daughter Cecilie chose the theme of Mediterranean bread and I was grateful since my brain wasn’t working so great. Fortunately, a lot of my fellow bread bakers are more organized than I am. Check out all their links below:

#BreadBakers is a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme. Follow our Pinterest board right here. Links are also updated each month on this home page. We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.

Pin this Egyptian Mahlab Bread! 

Food Lust People Love: Puffy and crispy yet chewy around the edges, this Egyptian mahlab bread is sprinkled with kalongi aka nigella seeds for flavor and decoration.


Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Rough Puff Pain au Chocolat #BreadBakers

These rough puff pain au chocolat beauties are so much easier than regular puff pastry but still have the requisite flaky layers we all love so much.

Food Lust People Love: These rough puff pain au chocolat beauties are so much easier than regular puff pastry but still have the requisite flaky layers we all love so much.

When our host for this month’s Bread Baker event chose laminated dough as our theme, I really hoped to have time to make actual puff pastry. It’s something my son-in-law used to make and, in true Dai fashion, he made it look easy. I know it wasn't!

Time got away from me, as it does to most of us this time of year so I resorted to rough puff yeast dough. No regrets though. It was delicious. 

Rough Puff Pain au Chocolat

If you have access to the special chocolate batons that French bakeries use instead of chocolate bars, by all means, use them. As you can see from the photos, the chocolate does melt out somewhat but my taste testers all agreed that there was still plenty of big chocolate flavor from the dark 70 percent cocoa.
This recipe was adapted from one on Baking a Moment

Ingredients for 10
For the rough puff dough:
2 2/3 cups or 333g flour
1/4 cup or 50g sugar
2 3/4 teaspoons active dry yeast
3/4 teaspoon fine sea salt
1/2 cup + 1/3 cup or 188g unsalted butter, cold
2/3 cup or 160ml milk, (add up to 2 – 3 tablespoons more if needed)

For the egg wash:
1 large egg beaten with a teaspoon or two of water

For the filling: 
4 3/4 oz or 135g good quality chocolate (I used Lindt 70% cocoa dark chocolate. Bought 2 bars, used about 1 1/3.)

Place the flour, sugar, yeast, and salt in a large bowl and whisk together until combined. 

Slice the butter into 1/8-inch or 1/3 cm thick slices and toss in the flour mixture to coat.

Add the milk and stir together until a shaggy dough forms. 

If you still have too much dry flour showing, add the extra tablespoons of milk, one at a time, mixing well in between. 

Wrap the dough tightly in cling film and chill for at least 1 hour. This can also be an overnight rest without any problems. 

On a lightly floured surface, roll the dough into a wide rectangle.

Fold it into thirds (like a letter), turn 90 degrees, and roll the dough out again. 

Repeat 4 to 6 more times, folding and rolling, until the dough has large streaks of butter in it but it is smooth and flat. If your kitchen is warm, chill the dough folded and wrapped in the refrigerator or freezer until stiff, before rolling out again. 

Wrap tightly and chill for 1 more hour, then roll it out to a rough square shape about 12 inches or 30cm wide.

Trim off any uneven edges. (Bake these rolled in cinnamon sugar for an easy treat.)

 Cut the dough into 10 rectangles (about 5x3 inches or 13x7.5cm.) I have a very hard time cutting things evenly when you can't cut halves then halves again but it's easy if you fold the two sides in and leave an equal part in the middle. 

Simply cut that middle piece out, then cut the other two pieces on the fold lines. VoilĆ”, five reasonably even pieces! 

Cut your chocolate bars into short lengths and line a large baking pan with parchment. 

Place one piece of chocolate near the short end of each rectangle. Place another piece of chocolate about 1 1/2-inches from the other short end of the rectangle.

Roll the dough up around the chocolate pieces. Place the pain au chocolat seam side down in your prepared pan.

Cover them loosely with cling film and put the pan in a warm place. Prove until doubled in size. Alternatively, you can prove them overnight in the refrigerator then allow them time to rise at room temperature before baking the next day.

Preheat the oven to 375°F or 190°C and gently brush the pain au chocolate with the egg wash.

Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, or until puffed, golden brown, and flaky.

Food Lust People Love: These rough puff pain au chocolat beauties are so much easier than regular puff pastry but still have the requisite flaky layers we all love so much.


Food Lust People Love: These rough puff pain au chocolat beauties are so much easier than regular puff pastry but still have the requisite flaky layers we all love so much.

It’s the second Tuesday of the month so that means it’s Bread Baker time! Today we are sharing baked goods made with laminated dough. Check out the treats below! Many thanks to our host Kelly from Passion Kneaded.

#BreadBakers is a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme. Follow our Pinterest board right here. Links are also updated each month on this home page. We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.

Pin these Rough Puff Pain au Chocolat! Food Lust People Love: These rough puff pain au chocolat beauties are so much easier than regular puff pastry but still have the requisite flaky layers we all love so much.


Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Mixed Mushroom Soft Bread Sticks #BreadBakers

These mixed mushroom soft bread sticks are flavored with dried mushrooms, ground to a powder. They impart a hint of umami that complements the garlic. 

Food Lust People Love: These mixed mushroom soft bread sticks are flavored with dried mushrooms, ground to a powder. They impart a hint of umami that complements the garlic.

When our Bread Bakers host for April picked “mushrooms” for our theme, I debated about what to make. First thoughts were 1. either something with mushrooms as an ingredient or 2. with mushrooms as a topping. 

But as I started to explore my options, I came across a site selling mushroom powder and was intrigued. I have Trader Joe’s Umami Seasoning in the cupboard which contains both porcini and white mushroom powder, along with a few other seasonings. It’s great sprinkled on almost anything savory. 

Since I always have dried mushrooms in the pantry, I decided I’d make my own mushroom powder and incorporate it in a bread stick recipe. While I did have a bag of just shiitakes, the mixed bag seemed like a better idea for depth of flavor. 

Mixed Mushroom Soft Bread Sticks

This recipe is adapted from one on Woodland Foods, where they also sell dried mushroom powder, if you can't be bothered to make your own. It makes eight long bread sticks but if you prefer, you can divide them in half to make 16 shorter ones. 

1 cup or 240ml warm water, divided
1 rounded teaspoon active dry yeast
2  2/3 cups or 332g flour, plus extra for dusting
1/4 oz or 7g mixed dried mushrooms (or any single variety)
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened, divided
1 tablespoon sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons fine sea salt
1 small clove garlic, mashed and minced

Optional for finishing: Extra melted butter and flakey sea salt. 

Brush the dried mushrooms with a clean, dry brush to remove any dirt or dust. 
Use a spice grinder to grind the mushrooms to a powder. I use a coffee bean grinder that I reserve for only spices which works great. 

Place 1/4 cup warm water and the sugar in the bowl of your stand mixer. Sprinkle in yeast and set aside until foamy, about 5 minutes.

Assuming your yeast has bubbled up and is active, add in the flour, 2 tablespoons of the butter, 1 teaspoon of the salt, 3/4 cup or 180ml of water and most of the ground mushrooms, leaving a half teaspoon or so for brushing on with butter before baking. 

Mix with paddle attachment until a slightly sticky dough forms.

Switch to the dough hook and knead until the dough is very smooth and soft, about five minutes. 

Turn the dough out only a floured surface. Cut it into eight equal pieces and roll them each into a ball. Roll the balls out into 14-inch or 35cm long bread sticks. 

I’m lazy so I kept mine long so that I didn’t have to leave space between the end of the bread sticks which would probably meant having to bake them in two batches. 
As you roll them out, arrange the bread sticks on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Cover with cloth or cling film, and let rise in warm spot until almost doubled.

Preheat your oven to 400°F or 200°C.

Melt the remaining butter. Mix the melted butter with the remaining ground mushrooms and 1/2 teaspoon salt.

Brush the mixture onto the bread sticks.

Bake the bread sticks in the preheated oven until golden, about 13-15 minutes.

Food Lust People Love: These mixed mushroom soft bread sticks are flavored with dried mushrooms, ground to a powder. They impart a hint of umami that complements the garlic.

If desired, brush the breadsticks with a little extra melted butter and sprinkle with flakey sea salt. 

Food Lust People Love: These mixed mushroom soft bread sticks are flavored with dried mushrooms, ground to a powder. They impart a hint of umami that complements the garlic.

Enjoy warm or at room temperature. 

My taste testers all agreed that while the mushroom flavor wasn’t prominent, the mushroom powder definitely added umami to the bread sticks. 

Food Lust People Love: These mixed mushroom soft bread sticks are flavored with dried mushrooms, ground to a powder. They impart a hint of umami that complements the garlic.


It’s the second Tuesday of the month so that means it’s Bread Baker time! Check out mushroom recipes we are sharing below. Many thanks to our host, Sue of Palatable Pastime. 
  • Pepperoni and Mushroom Pan Pizza from Karen’s Kitchen Stories
  • Cheesy Mushroom Calzone from Sneha’s Recipe
  • Wild Mushroom Flatbread from A Day in the Life on the Farm
  • Mushroom Swiss Bread from Palatable Pastime
  • Mixed Mushroom Soft Bread Sticks from Food Lust People Love
  • Porcini Swirl Bread from A Messy Kitchen

  • #BreadBakers is a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme. Follow our Pinterest board right here. Links are also updated each month on this home page. We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.

    Pin these Mixed Mushroom Soft Bread Sticks! 

    Food Lust People Love: These mixed mushroom soft bread sticks are flavored with dried mushrooms, ground to a powder. They impart a hint of umami that complements the garlic.
